Sounds Terrific 2
Sounds Terrific II (1996)(Weird Science)(Disc 1 of 2)[Amiga-PC].iso
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These notes are extracted from the protracker 1.2 source and other places.
Counter goes 1 .. 2 ... currentspeed ? -> 0
Actual commands occur for counter = 0, effects occur only for counter > 0.
Big difference with Med there, except when in soundtracker compatibility mode.
usual sample length unit is the 16 bit memory word, except for some real old
tracker tunes, which use bytes for the replay offset ???
Consequently, this should only occur with 15 instruments modules (not checked
for in tracker). The actual check is whether rp_length + rp_offset is greater
than length. Usual protracker samples are 8-bit signed (dictated by the
amiga hardware).
it seems the stored frequencies are actually notes, i.e., they
always correspond to the base frequency table.
So what you do is convert the frequency to notes as usual, then
use another frequency table according to the finetune setting.
Arpeggio 1: on Counter % 3 ,
0 normal
1 +HI
2 +LO
Portamento up 1/down 2: there is NO default value. Accordingly, 0 does nothing.
Note that we ensure $71 <= period <= $358. And 0 <= volume <= 64
Tone portamento 3/Tone porta+ vol slide 5: work exactly the same way except that
5 doesn't have a rate, but use the previous rate.
Various cases:
- new note: porta to the new note with the given (or previous) rate.
Start with the current period, not any previous goal or anything.
- no new note: go on tone portamento, unless already finished. If needed,
adjust rate on the fly.
Gliss funk E3: snap the actual pitch to the nearest note. Don't store it.
Fine porta up E1/Fine porta down E2/Fine volume up EA/Fine volume down EB:
do just one change, on setup.
Set speed: under protracker, 0 does stop.
< 32 does a normal set counter.
>=32 is a factor to get real speed from (default is 125), except for old
tracker modules.
what to do when there are several set speed command in the same line ?
First, if all set_speed options are in the same mode (<32 for instance),
only the last one applies.
Opinions differs... it seems that even various incarnations of protracker
don't do the same thing. tracker behavior changes according to the speedmode
* old -> all set_speed just do a normal set counter.
* finefirst -> only the >=32 command is heeded.
* normalfirst -> only the < 32 command is heeded, AND finespeed is reset to 125
* normal -> both commands are heeded.
note that protracker behavior states that set_speed(<32) should reset finespeed
to 125.
Change volume B: the value is pure binary.
Volume Slide A: delta = HI - LOW. No default value.
The actual code does: HI == 0 ? -LOW : +HI
Sample offset 9: take parameter x 256 and start from there (if
para x 256 >= length, just don't play sample).
Note cut EC/ Note Delay ED: occurs when counter = para
Some comments about resampling:
any profiler will tell you that tracker spends most of its time emulating
the amiga hardware in resample.c (except on the amiga, of course).
What can be done to alleviate the problem ?
- on any machine that has got hw sufficiently similar to the amiga (at least
four channels and independent replay speed), write routines similar to the
- keep it simple... Even a stupid test might slow the routine down. Hence,
the duplicated code according to oversample, the special `empty' sample with
its special properties (samp->fix_length == 0 && samp->rp_start == NULL).
As a consequence, new sample styles (like 16 bit samples) SHOULD be implemented
as new types of commands like DO_NOTHING, PLAY, REPLAY (PLAY16 and REPLAY16
come to mind), even though it WILL duplicate loads of code.
Recently, the code has changed to allow for more than four channels. This incurs
a slight overcost (two more additions), which is actually negligible for
oversampled replay, and has been deemed acceptable for simple replay.
The lookup table for converting 0-64 volumes to a linear scale is a cheap way
to allow for all sorts of manipulations on the sample volumes at a low cost,
and also to use n-bit samples in an almost transparent way, even with n not
being an integral multiple of 8.
If your machine is REALLY slow, and uses ulaw, computing a complete lookup
table (all 16384 values of it) might speed things up somewhat. Removing the
oversampling test altogether might do it also. Then you can unroll the
for(i = 0; i < number; i++) loop, not initialising value[LEFT_SIDE] and
value[RIGHT_SIDE] to 0, but giving them their initial real value.
If all that fails, you can still find a better compiler, check whether your
audio bandwidth is not too limited, downgrading the audio output to a lower
acceptable frequency (stuttering and outputting several times the same
sample is possible). Lastly, you can still go to assembly language...
Some optimization has been added to resample/audio.c. Basically, I've checked
where tracker was spending time, and I discovered that ALMOST all the time
was spent doing divisions/multiplications, like for primary, secondary.
Instead of computing:
realLeft = left*primary + right*secondary
realRight = right*primary + left*secondary,
sum = (left+right) * (primary+secondary)/2
diff = (left-right) * (primary-secondary)/2
realLeft = sum+diff
realRight = sum-diff
gains two multiplications ! Just realize that (primary+secondary)/2 and
(primary-secondary)/2 don't change and can be precomputed.
Apart from primitive architectures where multiplication and addition costs
are the same, this gains a lot. On a sparc 5, I can now use -over 2 -freq 44 !
The `Next Generation' will probably be output-size aware and not compute
23 bits systematically, but ask what resolution the audio output uses,
and output left/right samples with a given number of bits, stating the
number of bits at the same time.
Amiga HW details:
Since part of the behavior of soundtracker-like programs depend heavily on the
amiga audio hardware, it is only suitable that there be a description of this
hardware here.
The amiga has four completely independant audio channels, numbered from 0 to 3.
Channel 0 and 3 are connected to the left-side stereo output, 1 and 2 to
the right-side---hence the strange numbering in soundtracker programs.
Sound data is 8 bit signed in standard 2 complement (-128<=v<=127).
The volume is also set independently from 0 to 64 (0<=v<=64).
There is no typo there ! In terms of the hardware, the 64 value means that the
hardware dampening is disconnected.
The volume is linear. Sample values as follows:
Volume db
64 0
48 -2.5
32 -6.0
16 -12.0
The sampling period is limited by the number of DMA cycles allocated to an
audio channel, and traditionally linked to the video frequency. The formulas
are of little interest. The result is used in notes.c for instance.
Finally, the amiga features a low-pass filter that can be disconnected through
software. The filter becomes active around 4KHz and gradually begins to attenuate
the signal. Generally, you cannot hear frequencies higher than 7KHz.
Most soundtrackers disable the low-pass filter, and use it only for special